About Me
Hi, I’m Sam.
I’m kind of obsessed with yoga, fitness, health, being upside down, and becoming the best possible version of myself.
I started practicing yoga after growing up bouncing around different types of sports and activities, including soccer, baseball, and martial arts.
When I found yoga, I was hooked right away. It felt like I had found home, like I was where I was supposed to be. I came to yoga thinking it would be fun to do the poses and get a workout. And it was - I dove head first into learning the poses and quickly became passionate about learning to move my body in ways that I didn’t believe were even possible. But what I didn’t realize was how much yoga would affect me mentally.
I had been struggling for years with high stress and anxiety, and yoga became a tool for me to work through my problems instead of running away from them. It changed my life and put me on a path of constant growth.
At the same time as I was learning how to move my body in new ways, hold a handstand, and do the splits, I was finding out who I really was as a person and working to better myself in every way.
After practicing on my own for over 5 years, I decided to get certified as a yoga instructor to deepen my own practice. Little did I know I would fall in love with teaching in the process.
Over time, I became just as obsessed with movement and fitness more broadly and got certified as a personal trainer to expand my knowledge. This has helped to broaden my perspective as a teacher and incorporate everything I know to help others have a safe and effective practice.
I also noticed a need in the world for help specifically with flexibility and mobility which led me to become certified as a stretching and flexibility coach with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. The combination of my passion for the topic, my expertise and training, and the need for it in the world has made it so I feel more aligned than ever with what I do.
Now my mission is to share this practice with as many people as I can so it can change other peoples’ lives like it has changed mine. And that’s what brings me here.
So hi :)